Therapy sessions to help you speak out
Speak Out One Family is providing a platform for you to speak out.
Let us help you exercise your freedom to speak out against everything that worries you. Say no to depression, anxiety and trauma. We are here to help you overcome.
About us
We are here to help you speak up against domestic violence, societal ills, depression, anxiety and trauma
Most people choose to remain silent due to fear of backlash and the brutal reaction of others. However, speaking out is everyone’s fundamental right. Remember that societies don’t suffer due to freedom of expression. Instead, the silence of people instills injustice, anarchy and insecurity. The right to freely express yourself is the birthright of every person, and nothing can change that.
Sadly, a lot of people choose to surrender that right due to societal and cultural pressures. However, giving up your right to speak out does not only harm a person, but it also creates an oppressed society devoid of justice and freedom.
I cant express how happy I have been since I got in touch with Speak Out One Family. They helped me overcome suicidal thoughts, depression and anxiety that I was experiencing by giving me an opportunity to speak out which I took gladly.
Therapy Recipient
Available Therapy Treatments
Speak out if you are experiencing any of these
You feel stuck in your own daily life.. Irritability and anger overwhelm you… Decisions are so hard to make… You not sure you know what you need… You want to feel playful and alive again.
You feel electric and nervous in your body… Your thoughts keep racing… You can’t rest even when you want to… Micromanaging has overwhelmed your relationships… You want to feel peaceful in your own life.
Your past keeps following you… Relationships have become difficult… You feel traumatized by your past experiences You keep feeling like things are your fault and You never feel safe… You want to move forward.
Day care
Schedule and tuition
Half Days
Eu vestibulum praesent pretium platea fusce amet lobortis ut malesuada neque scelerisque pulvinar quisque turpis ut etiam sit volutpat.
- 8:30 - 12:00
- $1,800/mo
Full Days
Eu vestibulum praesent pretium platea fusce amet lobortis ut malesuada neque scelerisque pulvinar quisque turpis ut etiam sit volutpat.
- 8:30 - 3:30
- $2,300/mo
Extended Day
Eu vestibulum praesent pretium platea fusce amet lobortis ut malesuada neque scelerisque pulvinar quisque turpis ut etiam sit volutpat.
- 8:30 - 5:30
- $2,600/mo
We welcome kids into our 2-4’s program based on their birth year.
Why Speak Out?
When and why should you speak out?
1) There was no one left to speak for you. 2) At a crossroad, feeling low self esteem, unworthy, sad and feeling unwanted. 3) Domestic violence can be so easy for people to ignore, as it often happens without any witnesses and it is sometimes easier not to get involved. Yet, by publicly speaking out against domestic violence, together we can challenge attitudes towards violence in the home and show that domestic violence is a CRIME AND NOT MERELY UNACCEPTABLE .Honor Blackman
- Our approach is wholistic
- Our listeners are passionate
- We are always here to help and listen to you speak out.
Kindness is at the center of our values to treat you kindly and make you feel the best.
Support is at the center of our values to provide you all the support you need to overcome your trying times.
Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence is part of our skills that we deploy to help you get back on your feet from all your challenges.
We care about you and we are here to show you that you are not alone in the challenges of life.
Daily activities
Designed to help children realize their potential
Morning Huddles
Urna cursus pretium nisi, ullamcorper enim morbi volutpat feugiat mauris congue integer in velit nunc ac iaculis cursus facilisis tincidunt justo, fringilla scelerisque
The Basics
Neque in nulla aliquam viverra phasellus ipsum sed pretium imperdiet sit purus at lacus, varius interdum vestibulum fermentum faucibus nulla odio cum
Play Stations
Eu vestibulum praesent pretium platea fusce amet lobortis ut malesuada neque scelerisque pulvinar quisque turpis ut etiam sit volutpat a scelerisque quis
Learning Lab
Tortor sed nulla gravida ipsum aliquam consectetur neque odio dui turpis fringilla pretium hac bibendum commodo proin quam posuere consequat ultrices
Senectus fringilla vitae at lacus sollicitudin mi vel consectetur congue facilisi amet, maecenas egestas imperdiet maecenas lorem cras aliquet arcu, pharetra quis quam ipsum
Outdoor Play
Vel urna cursus nunc sem bibendum adipiscing nibh metus viverra ultricies pellentesque faucibus non ullamcorper aliquet sed imperdiet faucibus dictumst
Meet the teachers
Experts in giving your children best start
Lead teacher and 1-2 year olds
Teacher: 2-3 year olds
Teacher: 3-4 year olds
Our happy therapy recipients
We are more than just a joyful place.
We are here to hear you out, to help you speak out against everything that bothers your heart. You can experience love, care, a listening ear and a shoulder to lean on with Speak Out One Family